"Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed."
BKS Iyengar
The Iyengar approach to Yoga
The Iyengar approach to yoga is firmly based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga expounded by Patanjali in his classic treatise, The Yoga Sutras, written over 2,500 years go. It is a disciplined and deeply researched system developed over 75 years by Yogacharya BKS Iyengar who practised daily during his 96 years – exploring, studying, writing and teaching about yoga.
"Yoga means union. The union of the individual soul with the Universal Spirit is yoga. But this is too abstract a notion to be easily understood, so for our level of understanding I say that yoga is the union of body with the mind and of mind with the soul”. – BKS Iyengar, Tree of Yoga.

What is unique about Iyengar Yoga is that it is characterised in the practice of asana and pranayama, emphasising precision and alignment, planned sequencing, timing and the use of props.
This approach has allowed people of varying ages and levels of health and fitness to enjoy the benefits which a sustained practice can bring – the ability to face the physical, mental and emotional challenges of contemporary life with strength, vitality, mobility, thoughtfulness and equanimity.

The term “Iyengar Yoga” was coined by students of Mr. Iyengar to distinguish Guruji’s approach from other styles of yoga. He, however, described his yoga as “Patanjali Yoga” and said:
“I have no right to brand my practices or teachings as Iyengar Yoga. My pupils, who follow me, call it Iyengar Yoga. The only thing I am doing is to bring out the in-depth, the hidden qualities of Yoga to the awareness of you all. What I do is pure, authentic traditional Yoga. It is wrong to differentiate traditional yoga Iyengar Yoga, as it is also not fair to brand Yoga, as Raja-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Laya-yoga, Kundalini-yoga, Taraka-yoga and so forth. There is no distinction between one Yoga and another. Yoga, like God is one.”
Read More about Iyengar
You may like to check out the official site for the BKS Iyengar. It explains much about the Iyengar method of hatha yoga as well as giving an insight into BKS Iyengar, the founder of the Iyengar method.
The BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia website is a valuable resource for Iyengar Yoga activities in Australia. Information about becoming a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor can be found here.
Yoga Vastu is an online yoga studio that brings Iyengar yoga practice to your home. Whether you need to advance at your own pace, supplement with your studio classes or you simply want to build your confidence at home, Yoga Vastu offers subscriptions that will perfectly fit your needs.
We stock a small range of mats, straps, blocks and bolsters, but for a wider range, including quality wooden yoga props go to IYogaprops.
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Phone: (08) 9381 9916
Find us upstairs above The Good Grocer (IGA), 16/159 Onslow Road, Shenton Park WA 6008